Werkverzeichnis Anton Bruckner
The Werkverzeichnis Anton Bruckners (WAB) is a thematic catalogue of the music of Anton Bruckner compiled by Renata Grasberger. Grasberger did not include any unfinished compositions (making an important exception for the Ninth Symphony) nor lost works. Lost works, sketches, etc. were added afterwards (WAB 132 to WAB 149). Some other, still unclassified works are identified as WAB deest.
Like Perger's catalogue of Michael Haydn's music, the WAB uses a single range of numbers divided into subranges for genre classification:
- 1 - 54 Sacred choral music
- 55 - 95 Secular choral music
- 96 - 109 Orchestral works
- 110 - 113 Chamber music
- 114 - 116 Brass ensemble music
- 117 - 124 Solo piano music
- 125 - 131 Music for organ
- 132 - 135 Lost works
- 136 - 143 Sketches
- 144 - 145 Doubtful works
- 146 - 149 Addendum
The catalog is contrived so that the WAB numbers for the symphonies are the same as the symphony number plus 100 (thus technically the Study Symphony in F minor is No. −1 rather than No. 00). Quite unlike Köchel and Perger, Grasberger made no attempt whatsoever at figuring out chronology; instead she sorted the compositions alphabetically by title (and occasionally numerically, such as with the Psalms) within each of the subranges. For a few of the pieces, Grasberger used an alternate title which is less used today.
The completion dates given below come from Appendix B of Derek Watson's Bruckner bio.
- "Afferentur regi" 13 DEC 1861
- "Am Grabe" (Grabgesang) 1861
- "Asperges me" 1845 at the latest
- "Asperges me" in F major c. 1845
- "Ave Maria" in F major 24 JULY 1856
- "Ave Maria" for 7-part chorus 1861
- "Ave Maria" in F major 5 FEB 1882
- "Ave Regina caelorum" 1885-1888
- "Christus factus est" (Messe für den Gründonnerstag) 1844
- "Christus factus est" 1873 at the earliest
- "Christus factus est" D minor 28 MAY 1884
- "Dir, Herr, Dir will ich mich ergeben" 1845
- "Ecce sacerdos magnus" APRIL 1885
- Cantata "Entsagen" c. 1851
- Festive Song "St. Jodok, Spross aus edlem Stamm" 1855
- Festive Cantata "Preiset den Herrn" 1862
- Passion Chorale "In jener letzten der Nächte" c. 1848
- "Iam lucis orto sidere" 1868/1886
- "Inveni David" 21 APRIL 1868
- "Inveni David" 1879
- "Libera" F major c. 1843
- "Libera" F minor 1854
- "Locus iste" 11 AUG 1869
- Magnificat 1852
- Mass in C major (Windhaager Messe) 1842
- Mass in D minor 1864/1876/1881
- Mass in E minor 1866/1869/1876/1882
- Mass in F minor 1868/1872/1876/1877/1881/1883/1893
- Missa Solemnis in B-flat minor 1854
- "Os justi" JULY 1879
- "Pange lingua" C major 1836?/1891
- "Tantum ergo" (Pange lingua) 1845?
- Pange lingua et Tantum ergo (Phrygian) 31 JAN 1868
- Psalm 22 1852
- Psalm 112 1863
- Psalm 114 1852
- Psalm 146 1860
- Psalm 150 1892
- Requiem in D minor 1849
- "Salvum fac populum tuum" 14 NOV 1884
- Four "Tantum ergo" B-flat, A-flat, E-flat, C 1846/1888
- "Tantum ergo" D major FEB 1846/1888
- "Tantum ergo" A major 1845?
- "Tantum ergo" B-flat major c. 1854
- Te Deum 1881/1884
- Tota pulchra es Maria 30 MARCH 1878
- Totenlieder E-flat major 1852
- Totenlieder F major 1852
- Trauungslied 1865
- Veni Creator Spiritus 1884 at the latest
- Vexilla regis 9 FEB 1892
- Virga Jesse floruit 3 SEP 1885
- Von Arneths Grab 1854
- Zur Vermählungsfeier DATE?
- Der Abendhimmel I in A-flat major 1862
- Der Abendhimmel II in F major 1866
- Abendzauber 1878
- Amaranths Waldeslieder c. 1858
- An dem Feste 1843, and later
- Cantata "Auf Brüder, auf, and die Saiten zur Hand" 1855
- Cantata "Auf Brüder! auf zur frohen Feier" 1852
- Des Dankes Wort sie mir gegönnt 1855
- Das deutsche Lied 1892
- Du bist wie eine Blume 1861
- Das edle Herz for male chorus c. 1851
- Das edle Herz for mixed chorus 1861
- Festlied c. 1846
- Frühlingslied 1851
- Die Geburt 1851
- Germanenzug 1863
- Helgoland 1893
- Herbstkummer c. 1868
- Herbstlied 1864
- Das hohe Lied 1876
- Im April 1868
- Lasst Jubelklänge laut erklingen 1854
- Der Lehrerstand c. 1847
- Das Lied vom deutschen Vaterland c. 1845
- Mein Herz und deine Stimme 1868
- Mitternacht 1870
- Nachruf 1877
- Sängerbund 1882
- Two Sängersprüche 1851
- Ständchen c. 1846
- Sternschnuppen c. 1848
- Tafellied 1893
- Träumen und Wachen 1890
- Trösterin Musik 1877
- Um Mitternacht I 1864
- Um Mitternacht II 1886
- Vaterländisches Weinlied 1866
- O könnt ich dich beglücken 1866
- Cantata "Vergissmeinnicht" 1845
- Volkslied c. 1861
- Wahlspruch für die Liedertafel Sierning 1868
- March in D minor 1862
- Three Orchestral Pieces (E-flat, e, F) 1862
- Overture in G minor 1862/1863
- Symphony in F minor, "Study" 1863
- Symphony No. 0 in D minor 1869
- Symphony No. 1 in C minor 1866/1891
- Symphony No. 2 in C minor 1872/1877/1892
- Symphony No. 3 in D minor 1873/1876/1877/1889
- Symphony No. 4 in E-flat major 1874/1878/1880
- Symphony No. 5 in B-flat major 1876
- Symphony No. 6 in A major 1881
- Symphony No. 7 in E major 1883
- Symphony No. 8 in C minor 1887/1890
- Symphony No. 9 in D minor 1896
- Abendklänge 1866
- String Quartet in C minor 1862
- String Quintet in F major 1889
- Intermezzo in D minor 1879
- Aequale No. 1 JAN 1847
- Apollo-March 1862? (actually by Kéler Béla)
- March in E-flat major 1865
- Erinnerung c. 1868
- Fantasie in G major 1868
- Klavierstücke in E-flat major c. 1856
- Lancier-Quadrille aus beliebten Opernmelodien zusammengestellt c. 1850
- Quadrille c. 1854
- Steiermärker c. 1850
- Stille Betrachtung an einem Herbstabend 1863
- Three short pieces for children 1855
- Fugue in D minor 1861
- Postlude 1852
- Prelude in E-flat major c. 1837
- Four Preludes c. 1836
- Prelude in C major 1884
- Prelude c. 1846
- Prelude and Fugue in C minor 1847
- Litanies
- Requiem
- Salve Maria
- Zigeuner-Waldlied
- "Domine, ad adjuvandum me festina"
- Duetto
- Liedentwurf
- Mass in Es (only "Kyrie")
- Missa pro Quadragesima (without "Gloria" and "Credo")
- Requiem (Fragment) 1875
- Symphony in Bes (Fragment) 1869
- Finale to Symphony No. 9 (Fragments) 1896
- "Herz-Jesu-Lied" c. 1845
- "O du liebes Jesu Kind" c. 1845
- Mass without Gloria (Kronstorfer Messe) 1844
- Motto
- 2 Motti, in C major & in d minor
- Aequale No. 2 1847
See also
- Watson (1996) Derek. London. Bruckner J. M. Dent & Sons Ltd